Update from Lewis Proudfoot, Director of Cliveden Conservation
It has been a difficult 3 months for all of us here at Cliveden Conservation. Trevor’s death in September has left a huge hole in all our lives. We are a close-knit community here and his passing has affected us all; family, friends and colleagues alike. I know that many of you reading this will have known Dad well, and apologies if I haven’t been able to personally thank you for the many letters, card and emails that I have received.
A goliath in the Conservation world, dad was a dominating presence at the heart of everything we did. It has been both overwhelming and humbling to hear how much he meant to so many people. How key he was to your careers, how inspirational for those starting out in conservation, and how many times he took on the jobs that others could not or would not do. His attention to detail, relentless determination and insistence on placing research and analysis at the heart of conservation have set the bar high for all of us and so it is our challenge to ensure it remains there. Trevor is sadly no longer with us; but the people that delivered the works that he lead for all those years are, and his standards and approaches are still key to our values and very much reflected in our work.
So what better way to celebrate our 30th year in 2020 than to reflect on Dad’s legacy, focus on what we do well and look ahead to where we want to go in the next 30 years. We have some exciting plans to share with you for the year ahead, where we will be looking to build upon the last 30 years of Cliveden Conservation – to continue to deliver excellent work, whilst ensuring we can offer the best Value to our clients. We will focus on putting training at the heart of our work – both for our own people and to the wider industry by offering a range of CPD and training sessions in a variety of areas. We want to strengthen and build the many relationships we are lucky enough to have by telling you what we can do, and asking what you want from us – if we can call in to talk to you please do get in touch.
The first event of our 30th year will be a Memorial held at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, 12 noon on Friday 14th February we hope to see many of you there.
Trevor Proudfoot’s Obituary was published in The Guardian and in Icon (The Institute of Conservation) Magazine